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Maintain Your Perfect Smile

There are two major kinds of orthodontic retainers. A removable retainer is one that can be taken in and out of the mouth, while a permanent retainer is fixed or bonded to the back of the teeth. Before removing your braces our orthodontist will explain which of the available retainer options you will need to maintain your smile. We offer clear retainers and permanent retainers for a more discrete look.

For our permanent retainers, we use Memotain. By using state-of-the-art technology in both design and manufacturing, Memotain delivers ® lingual retainers that are tailored precisely to meet the individual requirements of every patient.

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Hawley Retainers

We use Hawley Retainer for minor tooth movement. We also use them for children that are not quite ready for braces (a space to close, cross bite, rotations, teeth alignment).

Hawley retainers come in a huge variety of colors, and can even be printed with fun designs! The colorful part of the retainer is the hard plastic or acrylic plate that sits on the roof of the mouth.

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